What is the Inspire! Care 360 Dashboard?
The Inspire! Care 360 Dashboard is the central location for all of your childcare needs and membership services. With this Dashboard, you will be getting access to some of the best technology for ease-of-access. This technology is known as Single Sign-On. No more worrying about URLs, usernames or passwords.

What is “Single Sign-On?”
With SSO, a user logs in once and gains access to different applications, without the need to re-enter log-in credentials at each application. SSO authentication facilitates seamless network resource usage. SSO mechanisms vary, depending on application type. Once you sign-in to your website with SSO, you will never have to input your password or username again.

How Do I Get Access to the Dashboard?

Contact Your Member Advocate
To get the process started and to get you in the system, please contact your Member Advocate. They will set you up with your initial login and password to our new Dashboard. They will also help you get started with getting the websites (called Apps in the Dashboard) set up and ready, as well as train you on how to add your own Apps!

Install the OneLogin Plugin
To take full advantage of the platform, you need to install the OneLogin plugin. This can be done the first time you log in to the platform or at anytime after if you hit skip. Please note, you need to install the plugin, so we recommend doing it as soon as possible. You can refer to the videos below that explain how to get the plugin installed for each browser.

How to Install the OneLogin Plugin by Browser



Edge (Formerly Explorer)


Jen Gaudioso
VP of Member Advocacy
[email protected]

Peter Aiello
Director of System Administration and Customer Care
[email protected]